Elevation above sea level and weather conditions.
Altimeter app actually uses your phone built-in GPS to measure elevation above sea level.
It does not require internet connection. You need to know measuring elevation with consumer
grade devices is prone to errors. To get the most accurate reading out of your phone you need clear
line of sight with few satellites above you and few on the horizon. This is hardly achievable in urban places.
Useful when you are in remote location, with no internet connection and you need to get a clue what is the elevation.
App features:
- Measure elevation above sea level
- Calculate average value for elevation based on all elevation readings taken.
- Select between meters and feet
- Display local weather conditions if you have internet connection
- Display GPS coordinates and address
- Select between light and dark application theme
- Use battery only when the app is active
- Translated in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, French and German
No locked Features
All features are 100% FREE. You can use all features without having to pay for them.
100% Private
No sign-in required. We will not collect Personally Identifiable Information and will not share any with third parties.
Download from Google Playstore
[20/09/2023] Released first version
If you have any questions or recommendations please drop us a line at